
NK-T503 注射式植筋膠

應用領域及產品 > 房屋加固 > NK-T503 注射式植筋膠

NK-T503 注射式植筋膠

適用范圍 Applicable scope


lt is suitable for retaining ring beam reinforcement in concrete, masonry anchor bars, embedded parts of curtain wall, bolt fixing of equipment foundation, etc.

產品優勢 Product advantages



The material has high strength, strong bonding force, good weathering resistance, good durability, and the construction effect is equivalent to that of embedded steel bars.

The products can be divided into underwater type anchorage adhesive, high temperature resistant type anchorage adhesive, low temperature resistant type anchorage adhesive, to meet the needs of different application scenarios.

上一個: NK-T505 灌縫膠
下一個: NK-T510 碳板膠