
NK-T401 高延性纖維增強水泥基復合材料

應用領域及產品 > 房屋加固 > NK-T401 高延性纖維增強水泥基復合材料

NK-T401 高延性纖維增強水泥基復合材料

適用范圍 Applicable scope 


lt is suitable for compression,bending, shear and seismic reinforcement of brick masonry and block masonry structures. 

產品優勢 Productadvantages 



The material has excellent toughness ond remarkable stroin hardening characteristics, large deformation capacity under pressure, good bending performance, high impact resistance, good bending fatigue performance and so on; 

The maximum crack width of the material at the maximum peak stress is much less than 0.2mm, which fully meets the requirements of corrosion resistance and durability under harsh conditions.